MSOS Vendor Advertising Opportunities

The People’s Paper / 95.5 The Pass

As you may be aware, we have partnered with The People’s Paper and Make A Scene Magazine to provide some of the print advertising for the Mat-Su Outdoorsman Show.  Additionally, they will be running radio announcements and advertisements on their popular 95.5 FM The Pass Radio station.

A part of this partnership is the official multi-page Mat-Su Outdoorsman Show Guide included as an insert in the People’s Paper, distributed two weeks prior to the Show, with 10,000 copies placed at over 200 locations. The guide will also be handed out to visitors as they enter the show.

As a benefit to Outdoorsman Show Vendors, special discounted rates are being offered if you wish to advertise in the Outdoorsman Show insert and guide. Not only that, but 95.5 is offering free – yes, FREE – radio advertising for Vendors purchasing print ads. Please refer to the document below for rates and information. 

Classic Country 100.9

Classic Country 100.9, one of our valuable sponsors in the Valley is offering Outdoorsman Show Vendors special a special advertising package for 15 second radio spots between March 7th and March 25th. See the information below and contact Roxi to get your ad schedules!